Hill Point Montessori
How Can Parents Boost the Results of Montessori Education?
September 27, 2022

The Montessori Method is much more than a teaching method used in your child’s Montessori daycare. It is a full-spectrum developmental approach that involves three key players: Teachers, parents, and children. In order to function as it was intended, parents should incorporate many of the key doctrines of Montessori at home so that their children will get the most benefit out of their education.

A Children’s House

The best place to begin helping children benefit from Montessori education is to provide them a place at home that is intended expressly for their benefit. Maria Montessori called her school Casa de Bambini, which translates to “the children’s house,” because her classroom was modified to better accommodate children. From providing child-size furnishings to arranging a bookcase with your kid’s books placed at her level, you can incorporate a prepared environment at home that resembles the classroom she attends at school.

Communicating With Teachers

The Montessori Method is all-in when it comes to communication. Teachers guide children through patient communication, and parents become more involved by both talking with the teachers and keeping an open line of communication with their kids. This keeps all three members of the trio of Montessori roles in touch with each other and ensures that everyone understands what is expected of them.

Little Hands and Big Helpers

Small kids yearn to be included in anything and everything. You can help them with this by providing opportunities for your kids to be helpful around the house. Helping measure or pour in the kitchen, working to keep the lawn in great shape, and performing self-improving skills like keeping their room tidy are all fantastic ways for children to be big helpers, and they can get begin doing so as soon as they are able to walk and carry things.

Modeling and Learning

There is ample evidence that parents are the first– and most important– role models their children will have. Because of this, one of the best ways you can boost your child’s Montessori education is by providing a living example of what you want to see in them. This includes being courteous, reading, and keeping an open line of communication. It can be difficult to be an exceptional role model, but the benefits are worth making a conscious effort to bring out the best in your child.

In Montessori education, you are a big part of the equation. Be sure to attend parent-teacher conferences, and make it plain to your kids that you and her teachers are working together to make sure she gets the best education available to her.

The best way to learn more about the Montessori prepared environment is to see it in action. Schedule an appointment for a tour today to see Montessori in action.

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